
June 27, Produce Market Report

Sat, Sep 07, 2019 at 1:50AM

June 27, Produce Market Report


Supplies and demand are very good this week. Quality and weights are good. Pricing is good. With highs in the 70’s and low’s in the mid-50’s the weather is ideal for leafy vegetables.

Romaine / Leafy Greens

Romaine quality is good, however we are still seeing some fringe and tip burn. Demand has steadied and pricing is good. Green leaf supply is normal with good quality aside from occasional fringe burn. Butter supplies are lower and quality is average. Spring mix quality is fair with good supplies.


Due to lesser demand the market remains stable. The extremely hot weather continues to impact quality. There continues to be a shortage of colossal and super colossal. This will continue through the coming weeks. Pricing remains elevated. Jumbo whites are tight with only fair quality. Pricing is high.

Red Onions

The jumbo red market remains under duress. The heat has posed some quality issues. Sizing is struggling. Pricing will remain high.


Potato market remains steady. Decent quality and demand. Pricing has gotten slightly lower. Value remains with the smaller sizing. Pricing could go up as suppliers see pack out shortages in the coming weeks.

Colored Potatoes

This market remains steady. Larger sizes remain the value. No real change is expected in the near future.


Several areas are in production in the east and in crown pick. Expect South Carolina to continue production for the next 10-14 days. With production migrating north expect a solid tomato supply for the foreseeable future. Growers are reporting good sizing and quality. Grapes and cherry volume is good and pricing and quality are good overall.


Georgia is winding down and pepper supply in the east has tightened with growers seeing small sizing and some scarring as pickers make the final pass in the fields. Some North Carolina growers expect to begin picking at the beginning of next week. Pricing is elevated as a result. Red pepper production is tight. Quality has been good and pricing is slightly high.


Market is very strong and pricing remains elevated as demand exceeds supply across the board. Only a couple of weeks of domestic product remain. Imports from Chile are helping the market, however volume is still light. Quality and sizing are good.

Berries, Strawberries

Good strawberry production expected for the next 3-4 weeks out of the Salinas/Watsonville fields. Quality is good and pricing is better. Blueberry production has begun in the Garden State. Look for volume to build and be strong in New Jersey through the holiday. Look for pricing to weaken in late June as Michigan gets on board. Quality is good, pricing is steady. Blackberry production is good in Georgia and North Carolina. Expect the Salinas area to be in full swing soon. Availability and quality are good. Raspberries are gapping in the Watsonville/Salinas areas. The next peak is projected in mid-July. Quality fair and pricing is high.


The lime market has begun to see some relief from the past few months. Larger sizing remains tight, however 200 count availability has improved. Quality is good. Prices have started to come down.


The larger sizes (48 & larger) are in critically short supply. The avocado market is the shortest/tightest is has been since 2011 when prices hit $60.00 FOBs. The cause is the lack of volume. We have gone from a steady range of 50-60 million lbs down to 35 million lbs in the US market. The main driver has been the lack of Mexican production. Mexico is in between crops and has essentially run out of fruit until they can start the Flor Loca crop. The Flor Loca will start the first 2weeks of July and should provide a little relief to the market.

Green Beans

Tennessee is being challenged with rain during planting and are currently in a gap on harvesting. Some growers have been disking fields but normal production should be in full swing the week of July 10th. North Carolina/Virginia is hit and miss with yields and production. The effects of the tropical storm continues to reduce yields and challenges for this summer’s harvest. Upwards of 70% loss… Ohio/Delaware will start on a light supply the end of the week. For the next 2 months demand will exceed supply and anticipated fob for next week will be $25.00 -$30.00.


Supplies are short and prices remain high.

Please contact Mark Beisler for any produce assistance you may need. Phone: 386-562-1626

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