
Feb. 15, Produce Market Report

Sat, Sep 07, 2019 at 2:04AM

Feb. 15, Produce Market Report


Demand has increased causing supplies to tighten. Size and weight are increasing but small cosmetic issues are apparent at times. Pricing continues to trend downward.


Romaine supplies are good and quality continues to improve. Some issues remain from the cold mornings. Pricing continues to come down. Romaine hearts and chopped romaine supplies and quality are good. Pricing remains steady.


Onions are steady from last week. Higher prices with good quality overall. Demand continues to be up. Jumbo whites have spiked. Look for this market to continue to rise.

Red Onions

Pricing on jumbo reds has steadied. Quality is mediocre. As previously reported this market will become short and pricing will remain high through the spring storage.


Market is steady from last week. Supplies and quality are good. Pricing remains stable. Value remains in the larger size russets.

Colored Potatoes

This market remains steady. Larger sizes remain the value. No real change is expected in the near future.


There continues to be very light Florida volume on all varieties. Windy and rainy weather patterns continue to hinder yields. Grapes and cherries are sparse and quality is poor. Pricing remains high across the board.


Adverse weather in Florida is limiting supplies to critical levels. Rain and wind have severely damaged plants and disease pressures continue to rise. Quality and condition varies, however much of the fruit has quality issues.


Shelf life has been shortened considerably.


Expect this situation to remain through the spring. Expect skips in the market in the coming weeks. Red Pepper continues to be scarce and very expensive. This market shows no signs of relief.


The California desert is beginning to finish harvest. There are only two of four regions continuing to harvest. That will cause the lemon market to begin to see some pressure. The quality, color and internal juice content is very good. Demand remains very good. Size continues to peak on 140’s and larger.


Demand remains very strong for strawberries post Valentine’s Day. We will not experience the price drop normally seen after the holiday. Volume is below 50% of last year. Outlook in the coming weeks is no better. Demand exceeds supply in all regions. Strawberry pricing will remain high. Product quality is poor. Expect pro rates to continue. Blueberry availability out of Peru and Chile have peaked. Look for Florida to begin production early March. Quality and pricing are good. Blackberry and raspberry availability has taken a hit in the last week due to rains in Mexico. Quality is average.


The lime market is rising as volumes continue to decline. Rains in Mexico have continued and the region has reached a lull in production. Expect an upward pricing trend.

Please contact Mark Beisler for any produce assistance you may need. Phone: 386-562-1626

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